Office politics…

I decided to share on this topic today because during the week i had an opportunity to reconnect with someone I have known for a while but i had not spoken to for several months. This person told me the challenges they were facing at their work place where they have been for more thanContinueContinue reading “Office politics…”

Career loving mother

My daughter turns two years in the next few months. Our lives are definitely better because of her.(Ask those who know her. I think its got something to do with her names) . Today I would like to share a few tips on how I manage my time as a career loving mother. 1. WithContinueContinue reading “Career loving mother”

Hard work pays

I was recently given an award at my work place, The Market Head Award for Excellent Performance.  I was not expecting this but was really glad that my efforts were noticed and acknowledged. Most of my colleagues congratulated me and were happy for me. Then one of them asked what i had specifically done toContinueContinue reading “Hard work pays”