3 Cs To Success For Ambitious Goal Driven Women…2 of 3 Competence

Competence is the ability to perform a task or handle a specific situation effectively. A competent person has the skills, knowledge and expertise in a specific area. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience often enables one to perform tasks and solve problems within a chosen field. To achieve success in whatever area of life, competence is a prerequisite.

Building competence in your career or business requires dedication and focus. Here are 5 steps that you can follow to build competence and be known as the go to person in your field.

1. Start with formal education. Theoretical knowledge is great first step. Depending on your chosen field, this can be acquired through various qualifications such as a degree, a diploma or any other type of certification. For example, a medical doctor is required to go to medical school for a certain number of years and also have practical experience as part of their training.

2. Practical experience. Practice is crucial for mastering skills. Theoretical knowledge isn’t very useful if you cannot apply it to real life situations. It is important for me to also mention that experience and skills can be transferred to a different field and function. Your theoretical knowledge in one field shouldn’t limit your advancement and growth. Obviously this excludes specialized fields like medicine, accounting and such. For those starting out in their careers, one way to gain practical experience is to volunteer or look internship opportunities.

3. Continously learn. Stay up to date with the developments in your field through courses, relevant industry research papers, events and trends.

4. Mentorship. Among many other benefits of mentorship is having your mentor help you identify skills and knowledge gaps and how best to close those gaps. Mentors also provide valuable feedback and insights crucial for your growth.

5. Continous self assessment. Regularly evaluate yourself versus the goals you had set and make adjustments as needed.

Competence building is a continuous process so patience and persistent are critical. Keep going!

Published by Mum in Stilettos

I started blogging when i became a mother. I was struggling to manage the demands of being a working mom and being present for my baby's key development milestones. Initially this was a rant about my experiences in the office and at home. Over the years it has evolved into an online support community for mothers who are growing their families as they grow their careers. I am a wife and mum to 3 amazing children. During the day I am have a job i love as marketer for a multinational FMCG company. When i get home, I have another equally rewarding job called being a mother. When everyone is tucked in bed, I find time to blog about my journey as a mum in stilettos and build this community for us working moms so we can thrive at home and at work.

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