If i wasn’t afraid…

This past week i was in a workshop in Dubai organised by the Facebook Middle East and Africa office. I learnt in two days what would have taken me months but that’s not the purpose of today’s post. On the walls at the offices, there are different posters that speak to some of Facebook’s beliefsContinueContinue reading “If i wasn’t afraid…”

Shake It Off

Welcome to 2014. May this be the year that your dreams are fulfilled. I am really excited about the new year. I for one believe in writting down my goals for the year. I revisit them every so often and tick off what has been accomplished, refine some where necessary and add new ones asContinueContinue reading “Shake It Off”

Speak Out

I have seen many well qualified women being passed for promotions they deserved. The main reason being they are waiting for someone usually their boss to offer them the position. It is very important for women especially to manage their career development actively not passively. Speaking out and expressing our career goals is very important.ContinueContinue reading “Speak Out”