Conquer Your Doubts: The Key to Advancing Your Career

Whether you are a seasoned professional or you just starting out on your career journey, you have to learn to deal with your doubts.

5 Important Conversations Ambitious Working Women Should Have Before Marriage

When you are choosing a life partner, you are choosing a lot of things including your parenting partner and someone who will deeply influence your children, your eating companion for 20 000 meals, your travel companion for over 100 vacations, your primary leisure time and retirement friend, your career therapist and someone whose day you will hear about 18 000 times” – Tim Urban

Trust God to keep doors that you shouldn’t be walking into closed!

Not all opportunities are really meant for you and that’s okay. Sometimes it’s not easy to decide which opportunities to pursue and which to ignore. When I am faced with such decisions as a woman of faith, my prayer is always Lord close and lock the doors that I shouldn’t be walking into. You can trust Him to do that and order and direct your footsteps. Read my personal testimony.

7 Ways To Build A Strong Network As A Working Mum.

Build meaningful and deep connections before you need them. Yes it takes time, but it’s not as difficult as you think. Check out the 7 ways that have worked for me as a busy mom, wife, sister, friend……Even with endless responsibilities, you can still build a solid professional network.

Can you own your success?

Sometime last year I graduated from our company’s in-house leadership programme. Each graduate was asked to provide a citation of their achievements during the two year program and their career goals going forward. I had some really good achievements of projects I had led successfully. My problem was writing about it and having it readContinueContinue reading “Can you own your success?”

Fit your own mask first….

Pre flight, aviation operators always announce that in case of emergency, you should fit your own oxygen masks first before assisting children or anyone else who might need help. You know why? Because without your own mask fitted, you cannot assist anyone else. As a mother it comes naturally for me to put the needsContinueContinue reading “Fit your own mask first….”