I gave myself a YES day and now I am making it a YES year

There is a definite place for a NO and there is a definite place for a YES. What is important is to be clear what you are saying NO to and what you are saying YES to.

Still on my journey!

Well it does feel good to write again after a very long absence. As part of my strategic life plan (topic for another day),  I started my Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) with the best business school in Africa, Gordon Institute of Business Science in January of this year. The last five months of myContinueContinue reading “Still on my journey!”

Career loving mother

My daughter turns two years in the next few months. Our lives are definitely better because of her.(Ask those who know her. I think its got something to do with her names) . Today I would like to share a few tips on how I manage my time as a career loving mother. 1. WithContinueContinue reading “Career loving mother”

Finding my balance …

Before i had my daughter , i never really bothered about balance. It just wasn’t anything that i needed to worry about. This changed seventeen months ago. I could no longer come and go as i pleased as there was a little girl who was soley depended on me. The past seventeen months have taughtContinueContinue reading “Finding my balance …”